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Sonny and Sheila Hof-Heinemann posted a condolence
Nothing else but sorrow and grief for the loss of a very beloved brother in law.
Wayne Ng posted a condolence
Jan was the neighbourhood 'rock' star. We'd talk about rocks, the environment, philosophy, anything. He had a child-like curiosity about the world, and also a gentleness and sense of community which made him a wonderful neighbour and friend. We can't believe he's gone...what a great addition to humanity he was, we will so miss him.... Wayne and Trish
Mary Gellner posted a condolence
Jan was a wonderful Neighbor. He will he greatly missed. My heart goes out to his family. What an amazing man with an incredible life of accomplishments.
Linda Larose and Stan Larose posted a condolence
Our condolences to the family. It was an honour and joy to know Jan. Stan loved working or chatting about projects with him. He will be in our hearts forever.
DEBRA BOYD-CHISHOLM posted a condolence
Monday, July 5, 2021
My deepest condolences to your family for your loss. I had the privilege of working closely with Jan at the Geological Survey of Canada for several years. As a thoughtful, and optimistic leader who really cared about those he worked with, Jan was one of the very best of men! Thank you for sharing him with us.
DEB CHAMNEY posted a condolence
Monday, July 5, 2021
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Treasure the happy memories.
FRED & CHERYL posted a condolence
Monday, July 5, 2021
Dear Hedda and family
Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
sincere condolences
Fred & Cheryl
ALRICK HUEBENER posted a condolence
Monday, July 5, 2021
I became a colleague of Jan when I began working at NRCan. We had many conversations about work. I always enjoyed how they veered in the direction of philosophy and values. Jan thought about things deeply and in ways embedded in his values, compassion and caring. He had a lot of technical knowledge and a wide experience with people around the world. He was wise. He was also funny and had a ready smile and twinkle in his eye. When he reitired he began working on a second PhD. When I retired I told him I would never do such a thing as I was done with life in institutions. But we both had a love of learning in our different ways. He loved music but said he could not sing. We laughed about that and he was encouraging of my pursuits as an amateur jazz musician. It was an honour to serve with him in the federal public service. We both took our roles seriously. He was a man of honour, conviction and relentless curiosity. I count myself lucky for having known him. My condolences to his family and close friends. May the memories of such a gem of a man bring some light into your hearts.
KASIA AND TRAVIS posted a condolence
Monday, July 5, 2021
Dear Hedda,
Our deepest condolences to you and your family. We have been praying for Jan's recovery and are so very sad to hear the news.
Jan was a wonderful man - so warm, loving and so fascinating to talk with. He will be very missed.
Kasia and Travis
ANDRÉE BOLDUC posted a condolence
Monday, July 5, 2021
Au nom des employés e la Commission géologique du Canada, division de Québec, je tiens à offrir mes plus sincères condoléances à la famille de Jan. Comme jeune chercheure à la CGC-Québec, et plus tard comme directrice, j'ai côtoyé Jan à plusieurs reprises. Je garde un souvenir impérissable de son sourire, de sa gentillesse, et de l'immense respect qu'il nous témoignait, en nous faisant l'honneur de s'adresser à nous en français à chaque occasion. Tous mes collègues se souviennent de sa générosité, du temps qu'il prenait à nous écouter, des discussions fructueuses et toujours respectueuses. C'est un grand monsieur qui nous quitte, il nous manquera. Nos souvenirs de lui seront toujours avec nous.
EMLYN KOSTER posted a condolence
Monday, July 5, 2021
I fondly remember Jan as a gentle man, leaning forward in always un-rushed conversations with his smiling inquisitive interest. After our shared years at the Alberta Geological Survey and his next appointment at the Geological Survey of Canada, I lost track of his whereabouts because of different career pathways. It was therefore a joy to come across his familiar face on the IAPG website and to learn how much he went on to accomplish with further university education and a passionate entry into the world of geoethics. He must have been rightly very proud to be the pioneering author in the IAPG’s new book series.
Emlyn Koster, PhD in Geology, University of Ottawa
LARRY HOLLOWAY posted a condolence
Monday, July 5, 2021
I had the great pleasure in being able to work with Jan at ARC for a number of years.
Jan showed a lot of patience and understanding during that period and was a remarkable individual in my opinion. He taught me a lot about Geology and geochemistry, fields that were unfamiliar to me.
I lost touch with him when he moved to Ottawa but he was always on my mind.
Sorry to hear of his passing and my condolences go out to you Hedda, and your family.
RESA FUREY posted a condolence
Monday, July 5, 2021
To the family and friends of Jan. I'm so very sorry for your loss. I was acquainted with him through CIM and know that we have all lost a true original. Jan brought so much insight and joy to every circle he was involved in. He will be truly missed.
RAJ S.V. RAJAN posted a condolence
Monday, July 5, 2021
I am shocked and saddened to know about the passing of my past colleague (at the Alberta Research Council) on July 22'20. I had lost contact with Jan ever since he left the Alberta Research Council, but learned recently during a recent Geoscientists virtual symposium that he was in Ottawa. The symposium organizers mentioned that Jan was unable to make a presentation and another person will do it on his behalf. I sent him an e-mail on the same day, July 7'20 awaiting a reply. Then, I know now the sad news.
My sincere condolences to Jan's family and friends.
Sherwood Park, Alberta
KIM BITTMAN posted a condolence
Monday, July 5, 2021
As Secretary of the Environmental and Social Responsibility Society of the CIM for a time, we all enjoyed Jan’s contribution to our working groups and webinars. Thanks Hedda and family for sharing a great man!
AICHA ACHAB posted a condolence
Monday, July 5, 2021
C’est avec une infinie tristesse que j’ai appris la disparition de Jan. Il a été mon DG la dernière année de mon mandat de directrice de la CGC-Québec. Je n’ai pas d’anecdote particulière à raconter. Par contre je me souviendrais toujours de son visage avec son bienveillant et désarmant sourire en coin, son amabilité, son humanité, sa capacité à écouter et a toujours trouver chez l’autre le bon côté. Cela en faisait un Directeur général apprécié et un négociateur efficace.
Tout comme moi il avait rejoint la CGC sur le tard, l’amour sincère et l’estime que nous portions tous les deux à cette institution avaient scellé une estime et une connivence dont je garderai toujours le souvenir. C’était un homme de grande qualité qui nous manque déjà.
LORNA PREGODA posted a condolence
Monday, July 5, 2021
I remember with great fondness working with Jan at ARC Oil Sands. He was a wonderful, thoughtful, considerate man. Years later I "found" him at NRC and reestablished a connection with him. Brian and I had the privilege of having coffee with him on one occasion when we were in Ottawa; a delightful memory! A fascinating man.
Hedda, I met you a couple of times at Oil Sands. I am so sorry that your life partner left ; you are in my thoughts.
DIANE WIERSMA posted a condolence
Monday, July 5, 2021
I worked with Jan at the Alberta Research Council. His intellect dazzled me and his humour was infectious. I have remembered him fondly over the years. Condolences to the family. He was a special man.
CLAUDE ARBOUR posted a condolence
Monday, July 5, 2021
C’est avec une grande tristesse que les anciens collègues et les membres de la communauté de l’Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) ont appris le décès de Monsieur Johannes Boon le 22 juillet 2020. Jusqu’à sa retraite, ce scientifique a occupé le poste de directeur général de la Commission géologique du Canada, une organisation partenaire de l’INRS. Au fil des années, nos organisations ont bâti ensemble une collaboration fructueuse ayant permis de mettre sur pied des projets de recherche porteurs pour le développement de la recherche et de la société québécoise.
Au nom de la direction de l’Institut national de la recherche scientifique, nous offro...Read more
DANIEL LEBEL posted a condolence
Monday, July 5, 2021
I recall Jan fondly from the first time I met him in 2001, following his appointment as DG of the Geological Survey of Canada. I was struck by his charm and how peculiar a man he was, with a very rich life experience that spanned the Netherlands, Venezuela, and Alberta, chemistry, geoscience and management. I had spent much time in Alberta In my early career, and I knew the Alberta Geological Survey where he was just arriving from. He was my new boss at the GSC and we hit off well.
It must be said that he must have had a great job interview to become GSC DG: he had an endearing personality, great experience of science management and had previously managed a tumultuous period of change at the Alberta Geological Survey a few years back. That made him the perfect candidate to manage what was to come.
I think that he got more than he bargained for (and Hedda too!), from 2001 onwards and up until his retirement, through an extremely demanding period of change at the GSC.
Among the many things to juggle and the people to manage, I was extremely fortunate to have him as a mentor. I was a rather green and reluctant manager, more interested by science but duty called. He managed to nurture me into the new role of Director of the GSC Quebec Division immediately after his arrival. In a classic ‘Servant Leader’ manner, he accompanied our team there through a period of high anxiety as we considered whether to continue our partnership with INRS, and looked for ways to participate in a new building, as we did not have a penny to spare and a strained relationship. No one had any idea of how we might pull through, and few knew how dire the situation was. It was a period of high wire management, with Quebec-Canada politics just under the surface. He remained unflappable through this, always diligent, calming, drawing on experience and fun stories to lighten the atmosphere, caring for people, and building relationships that led to lasting friendships between people and organisations.
In this case and in so many others that I witnessed during his time as DG, and later either as a GSC volunteer or in his many roles, Jan made a lasting difference to so many, always in a humbled, self-effacing manner, listening, nurturing talent, encouraging diversity of views, and reaching across cultural and language barriers. I will miss his friendship, intellect, generosity. He had a wonderful life and leaves great memories.
My sincere condolences to Hedda and family.
TIM HARTEL posted a condolence
Monday, July 5, 2021
I remember meeting Jan Boon at various conferences and one of the better road trips with Jan, grant mossop and the rest of the ISPG/GSC one day. Friendly, funny and skilled. Sad to hear this, goede herinneringen!
BROCK HOUGHTON posted a condolence
Monday, July 5, 2021
Many years ago working as a financial planner, I met Jan. He sat in front of me eating an entire apple, core and all - and I thought he was a bit of an odd fellow. It became clear to me in the meetings to come that he had a brilliant mind and a life many of us would strive for. I virtually never came out of one of our meetings without learning something new about the world...he was always trying to engage others to think outside the box. I just learned of his passing today and it is a sad occasion indeed. My thoughts go out to his wife, Hedda and their children and grandchildren. He will be missed.
ANDY FYON posted a condolence
Monday, July 5, 2021
I am saddened to learn of Jan's passing. I first met Jan in his capacity as Director of the Alberta Geological Survey (AGS). I enjoyed and learned a lot from his innovative practices at AGS. We met at least twice a year at national meetings in his AGS capacity and his subsequent capacity at the Geological Survey of Canada, in Ottawa. Jan always had a smile to share with us as wide as the prairie sky. I respected and was motivated by his deep value of social responsibility, so it did not surprise me when he enrolled in a Ph.D. program, while working on issues of social responsibility. In addition to his infectious smile, I was always struck by his passionate interest in "anything". If ever there was a person you needed to sit with to discuss anything, Jan was that person. It is sad to lose such an energetic person having such eclectic interests, but it is reassuring to know that Jan left the world in a better way. Few of us can make that claim. He is a special person who had a big impact on me. Thank you Jan and my deepest condolences to family and friends.
SHEILA STEWART posted a condolence
Monday, July 5, 2021
I am so sad to hear of Jan's passing. I worked at the Alberta Geological Survey in the 90's when he ran the place. Jan worked so hard to ensure AGS and it's staff had a safe landing place when AGS was deemed no longer necessary by the Alberta Research Council. He truly cared about AGS as an organization and us as individuals. I'll never forget him for for this. He will be missed.
ANDRES RECALDE posted a condolence
Monday, July 5, 2021
Jan was a source of inspiration and positive thinking. His openness to discuss the possibilities for a responsible mining was a common topic of conversation. He realized that companies could do more to show more empathy with host communities expectations. He did his big effort to show this.
The family of Johannes Adrianus Boon uploaded a photo
Tuesday, December 22, 2020
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The family of Johannes Adrianus Boon uploaded a photo
Tuesday, December 22, 2020
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