Obituary of Judith Lynn Hosking
With sadness, we announce the passing of Judy Hosking. Judy died peacefully on December 3rd 2020 with family by her side. She was a devoted and loving mother to Stephanie (Tim) and Jennifer; the adored grandmother of Zoë, Chloe, Avery, Leo, Charlie, Jack, and Mia; cherished sister to Gloria, Joan (John), and Bruce (Bonnie). Judy is fondly remembered by many nieces, nephews, and their children. A friend to many, Judy was devoted to helping others and always had a way of looking on the bright side of life. A gifted painter, Judy’s home was filled with beautiful creations, and giving her art to others was a great source of joy. Judy loved to teach others how to paint, especially those who felt that they had “no artistic ability”. Her skills as a teacher paired with her optimism helped so many people realize their artistic potential. Judy loved animals, especially the family’s dogs. She was greeted with unbounded enthusiasm at every family get together and earned their undying love thanks to the affection she showed them and the secret treats she slipped under the table when she thought nobody was watching. We are grateful for the care of the staff at Wildpine Residence; Judy created a happy life there and loved being a part of the community. We are profoundly grateful to the doctors and nurses at the Queensway Carleton Hospital. Their care of Judy in her final days and hours was beyond measure. Thank you for helping a remarkable woman spend her last hours in a place of care, comfort and dignity. Thanks to you, we were able reflect on happy memories before saying goodbye. Pending Covid-19 restrictions, a celebration of life is planned for the spring. For those who wish, donations can be made to Parkinson Canada.