Tribute Wall
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Thursday, January 19, 2023
Pinecreset Remembrance Chapel
2500 Baseline Road
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Funeral Service
11:00 am
Friday, January 20, 2023
Pinecrest Remembrance Chapel
2500 Baseline Road
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Mabile Luc et Ginette posted a condolence
Monday, February 6, 2023
Toutes nos condoléances a toute la famille de la part de Mabile Luc et Ginette
Anita Bose lit a candle
Friday, January 20, 2023
I have such wonderful memories of all of our families getting together over the years. Ghislaine auntie always had such a positive presence, kind spirit and an infectious laugh. Sending my deepest condolences to all. And to Alexis and Adrian, I hope the memories you have of your beautiful mother will bring you comfort at this difficult time.
Ian Pringle posted a condolence
Friday, January 20, 2023
Chers Alexis, Adrian et la famille,
Je suis profondément attristée à la mort de Ghislaine. J'ai eu l'occasion de la rencontrer dès le début de sa carrière à Manotick. Bien qu'on ait changé d'école beaucoup de fois, on est restées toujours amies. Les années de retraite nous ont permis de passer du temps à jaser. On se parlait pendant des heures. Ghislaine parlait de ses voyages, ses aventures, ses peintures . . . et surtout de ses garçons et ses petits enfants, qu'elle adorait. Mon mari et moi ont partagé de nombreux dîners délicieux ensemble chez Ghislaine ou chez nous. Il se joint à moi pour vous envoyer nos chaleureux condoléances, pensées et prières.
Vicky et Ian Pringle
Norma Grant posted a condolence
Friday, January 20, 2023
Very saddened to read of the loss of Ghislaine this week. She was a friend from many years ago in the early 80s until I moved to Toronto. I saw her only once in Toronto after that and we lost touch eventually. I remember her as a devoted mother , super friendly , and full of energy and zest for life. I regret not having managed to keep in touch and remember her fondly. My condolences to her boys and their families.
Norma Grant
Joya Raha lit a candle
Friday, January 20, 2023
My fondest childhood memory of Aunty Ghislaine was her raclette machine. We ate many good meals with the Boses but I was over the moon every time she took out her raclette machine. I remember sitting around their kitchen table, full of friends, eagerly waiting my turn to melt cheese over my potatoes. There was music playing on the radio and I have vivid memories of Aunty Ghislaine's kind smile. After lunch, with full bellies and happy hearts, we ran downstairs to the basement to play. Childhood food memories can be some of the most powerful: all it takes is one bite to bring you back. And sure enough, years later, when I lived in Switzerland and ate raclette, I was transported back to Aunty Ghislaine's kitchen. Our deepest condolences to Alexis and Adrian. Sending love.
Leslie Ainsworth posted a condolence
Thursday, January 19, 2023
My deepest sympathy to all Ghislaine’s family and friends. She was such a cheerful, vibrant person. With her friendly smile she would stroll the courtyard at our condo development in the summertime enjoying the flowers and making upbeat conversation with her neighbours. Hoping that shared good memories will sustain you in your grief and that you will enjoy hearing new and interesting recollections about Ghislaine as people share with you.
Wouldn’t the world be an even better place if we all took a page out of Ghislaine’s book and walked around with a big inviting smile on our faces when we greet people.
Jeannette D-Guérin posted a condolence
Thursday, January 19, 2023
Quelle merveilleuse personne! Ghislaine a su animer et entretenir bien précieusement toutes ses amitiés. Elle a su s’exalter devant la beauté d’une fleur, d’un paysage pour ensuite en faire un tableau. Elle a su savourer et si bien partager ses expériences de voyage. Je garderai toujours une place bien chaude dans mon cœur pour notre amitié.
Guiguet Michèle posted a condolence
Thursday, January 19, 2023
Remplies de tristesse par ton départ si soudain nous qui t’attendions samedi pour nos retrouvailles habituelles, nous sommes dans une très grande peine de ne plus pouvoir profiter de ta personnalité toujours gaie et positive.
Nos pensées les plus sincères à ta famille dans ces moments de grandes tristesses
Paule Boudeville et Michèle Guiguet Eden Beach Cannes
Babette et Claude lit a candle
Thursday, January 19, 2023
Cette fois, Ghislaine a entamé son dernier long voyage...Son départ si soudain nous bouleverse encore. Nous perdons une nièce, une cousine, toujours disponible pour ses proches, dynamique, enjouée, spontanée et pleine de projets d'aventure et de peinture.
Nos sincères condoléances à sa famille d'Ottawa.
Courage. Affectueusement.Babette et Claude
Renee Causse lit a candle
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
Chère Ghislaine,
Nous étions si habitués à te voir partir et revenir que ce départ définitif nous semble irréel.
Ton énergie, ta joie de vivre et ton enthousiasme étaient communicatifs. Tu étais un vrai rayon de soleil. Tu vas beaucoup nous manquer, et nous ne t’oublierons pas.
Puisses-tu reposer dans la paix mais aussi dans la joie.
Nos plus sincères condoléances à Alexi, Adrian et à leur famille.
Renée et Jean-Louis Causse
Trudy Bradley posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
After a very impromptu lunch and visit at her apartment on Wednesday afternoon, we three, Ghislaine, Erlene and I said goodbye and we wished her a good trip as we had done on her previous return trips to France . We made some plans to celebrate her return in May. Ghislaine, as usual already had many plans as to what she would in the warmer climate. She was always keen to try new things, meet new people and never shied away from doing the untried and unusual. For this I admired her very much. Her days were filled with new experiences but she also devoted a great deal of time with her family, especially the grandchildren.
I shall miss her very, very much.
Kingsley Gomes posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
You are an amazing mother-in-law to our daughter (Michelle) and also an incredible grandma to the grandchildren. We appreciate your kindness and cherish the good times we had together. With love and God's Blessings.
Yvonne and Kingsley Gomes
Marie-Claire Bessens lit a candle
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
"Ghislaine, we will miss you! We saw you after your vacation: you were enthusiastic and radiant. Then we spoke at length on the phone in anticipation of your departure for Cannes. Really life is unpredictable!
Our deepest condolences to Alexis, Adrian and their family.
May Ghislaine rest in peace. We will not forget that.
Gérard and Marie-Claire Bessens
Diane Parent posted a condolence
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
Je connaissais Ghislaine depuis seulement quelques années, mais tout de suite j’ai aimé son énergie, son optimisme et sa joie de vivre. Elle parlait souvent de ses petits-enfants, qu’elle adorait. Pour moi, Ghislaine était aussi un peu de cette France que j’aime tant. Elle me manquera.
Diane Parent
Puja lit a candle
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
We met aunt Ghislaine once after Ashok Mama passed away and she came to India and stayed with us.
Her kind nature attracted us towards her. Even after she returned back to Canada she always kept touch with us. Whenever Alex, Adrian and their families had any good news she shared those beautiful moments with us.
We all will miss her a lot.
Kathy Bose posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 17, 2023
I have known Ghislaine for many years and for all that time, I found her to be a gracious kind loving person. She was quick to smile, laugh, and speak to everyone in the room. She was also a great mother and teacher. I will miss her presence at our gatherings but I know she is now with Amitava and her beloved parents.
Claudine Lallemand uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, January 17, 2023
Adieu Ghislaine, ma chère amie. C'est difficile d'imaginer que nous n'aurons plus ces conversations à bâton rompus quand tu me racontais tes découvertes de grande voyageuse, les plaisirs de ta famille, ton cher Cannes, tes nouvelles explorations artistiques, par exemples.
A combien tu vas me manquer!
Mes sincères condeléances à toute la famille
Nathalie posted a condolence
Tuesday, January 17, 2023
Nous venons de perdre une très belle personne qui va beaucoup nous manquer. Que de tristesse.... courage aux cousins
Nathalie et idir
Behrang posted a condolence
Monday, January 16, 2023
Ghislaine was a lovely lady. I’ll never forget the time she graciously hosted a delicious thanksgiving dinner for Adrian and his university housemates. It was my very first thanksgiving dinner and I’ll never forgot how much love she poured into each dish and her sweet and charming personality. I instantly felt part of her family. If this was the impression she left me with in a single encounter, I can’t imagine the enduring impact she’s had on all the people throughout her life. She’ll be dearly missed. My deepest condolences to the Bose family.
Duane lit a candle
Monday, January 16, 2023
Kind, caring, and full of life. Rest in Peace.
Donna Bose posted a condolence
Monday, January 16, 2023
Tu étais une merveilleuse belle-sœur et une grande amie. Nos ‘catch-ups' FaceTime vont nous manquer. Toujours dans nos coeurs. ❤️
Our love and condolences to Alexis and Michelle, Adrian and Anne, Ava, Aidan and Anderson. She was the proudest grand-maman!!
Mo Slaibeh posted a condolence
Monday, January 16, 2023
Ghislaine was a wonderful woman, always kind and inquisitive. I have memories of her going back to Gr. 6 when she took Adrian and I to the Nature Museum and then got us little cakes at Swiss Pastries afterward. This is a tragic loss for the family, but the same beautiful family is the legacy she leaves. I’ll remember her fondly. Thinking of you Adrian, Alexis and loved ones.
Evelyne McDonald uploaded photo(s)
Monday, January 16, 2023
Evelyne McDonald posted a condolence
Monday, January 16, 2023
Terriblement peinée par la perte si brutale de ma très chère amie, Ghislaine. Une amie que j’admirais beaucoup, pleine de vie, de créativité, de bonté, amoureuse des arts, des musées, des concerts, des voyages et des bons petits plats; une amie d’une grande élégance, dans tous les sens du terme, et pourtant d’une grande simplicité.
I will miss our frequent and often endless conversations between ”French friends”, about the French, their qualities and their faults, their culture, their cuisine, and even their love for strikes, vacations and retirement, and of course about many other more serious subjects.
My heart goes out to her beloved family, particularly to her sons, Alexis and Adrian, and her three wonderful grandchildren, Ava, Aiden and Anderson; she was always so proud of them.
Sincères condoléances à toute la famille et aux nombreux amis, d’ici, de France, de Suisse et d’ailleurs.
Evelyne Barthès McDonald
Michele Pic Duguet uploaded photo(s)
Monday, January 16, 2023
Evelyne et Duane McDonald purchased flowers
Monday, January 16, 2023
A notre tres chere amie, Ghislaine. With heartfelt condolences to her family.
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Michèle Pic Duguet posted a condolence
Monday, January 16, 2023
Cinquante ans d’amitié qui s’envolent…Toi qui aimais tant la vie et tout ce qu’elle pouvait offrir; ta bonne humeur va me manquer. Alexis et Adrian, je suis de tout cœur avec vous. Michèle
The family of Ghislaine Bose uploaded a photo
Sunday, January 15, 2023
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The family of Ghislaine Bose uploaded a photo
Sunday, January 15, 2023
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Alok Bose uploaded photo(s)
Sunday, January 15, 2023
Very saddened by the unexpected and tragic loss of my kind and thoughtful sister-in-law.
She will be dearly missed by many.
Sincere condolences to all who loved her, especially her sons Adrian and Alexis and their families
... et ses proches en France
The family of Ghislaine Bose uploaded a photo
Sunday, January 15, 2023
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