Obituary of Patrick Houlihan
With deep sadness we announce the passing of Patrick Houlihan, on November 6th, in Ottawa at 79 years of age after a battle with Alzheimer's. Beloved Father of Jason and Rachel (Jim Teevan). Loving Grandfather to Ciaran and Aidan. Dear Brother of Brian (Pauleen Fath) and Margie (Jim Grittner) and Uncle to Colin Grittner (Stephanie O'Neill). Friend and companion to Elaine Fisher.
Remembered fondly by the entire extended Morgan family, especially Nicola.
Pat's laugh was huge, but his heart was bigger. He loved Motown and AC/DC almost as much as the sandtraps loved his golfballs.
In lieu of flowers please donate to the Shriner's Children's Hospital in Montreal.
Memorial Service in London
1:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Sunday, November 19, 2023
St. George Parish
1164 Commissioners Rd W
London, Ontario, Canada
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Memorial Service in Ottawa
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Friday, November 24, 2023
Pinecrest Remembrance Chapel
2500 Baseline Road
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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