Obituary of Kenrick Eyre
It is with deep sadness we announce the peaceful but sudden passing of Ken Eyre at the age of 92 after a brief admission at
Ken was born in
He is survived by sister, Cicely McWatt (Errol), spouse Ruth and children from his first marriage. A loving and caring father, he will be greatly missed by his children Lauren (Chris), Phillip (Tatiana), Kathryn and Ken (Debra).
He was a much loved and special grandfather to Chadwick (Susan), Lee, Harrison (Safiya), Matthew, Katerina (Jérôme), Mikhael (Brittany), Calaigh (Alcindo), Natasha (Ryan), Zachary and Christopher and to his great grandchildren Daniel, Hudson, Anastasia and Hayden.
Ken, with his older brother Basil, entered Queen’s College in September 1942 as winners of the Government County Scholarship from Smith Church Congregational School. He was successful at the 1942 School Certificate Exam and in 1947 qualified for Exemption from the London Matriculation on the basis of the results. Both of them were successful two years later in 1949 at the Higher School Certificate. Ken earned a scholarship to
He loved investing in the stock market and real estate. He tried a few ventures, including owning a nursery, building several houses and a driving range and attempting to develop a golf course. He liked to travel and to dine at buffets, until health issues forced him to cut back.
He was a responsible and generous provider to his family. He always had fun with his grandchildren, who have fond memories of their times with him. He will be greatly missed by all of us.
We give thanks to God for Ken’s life and for providing him with a good loving family. He is now at peace with the Lord in heaven. May his soul rest in peace! With our love, we wish him “Memory Eternal!”.
Family and friends are invited to pay their respects at Cole Funeral Services & Pinecrest Remembrance,
Livestream link to the Funeral Service